homemade drinks to help you sleep

29 Global Collection of Relaxing Homemade Drinks to Help You Sleep

In the hectic pace of modern life, coming to rest can often feel like a distant dream. As you toss and turn and your mind races, sleep can become an elusive companion. Yet, nestled within the tapestry of ancient traditions and holistic approaches, we find a treasure trove of homemade elixirs that promise restful sleep.

Imagine enjoying the comfort of warm sips that carry the essence of cultures from around the globe — designed to gently guide you into the realm of restorative rest. From Ayurvedic secrets to Taoist tranquillity and the calming practices of European, Southeast Asian and American traditions, these homemade drinks embody an invitation to relax, a moment to pause amidst the chaos.

In the quest for peaceful sleep, these elixirs offer more than just a drink; they offer a way back to the natural rhythms of the night. Each of these elixirs has been crafted with intention and is imbued with time-honoured knowledge. They harmonise flavours and fragrances to create an experience that not only soothes the senses, but also addresses the challenges that might be keeping you awake.

Join us on this journey through ancient wisdom, where every sip is a step on the path to a good night’s sleep. As we explore the ingredients, traditions and benefits of these homemade drinks, let them remind you that restful sleep is not just a dream — it’s a timeless gift waiting to be embraced.

29 Global Collection of Relaxing Homemade Drinks to Help You Sleep

Ayurvedic Elixirs- Nurturing Sleep Through Ancient Wisdom

In the tranquil embrace of Ayurveda, the age-old tradition of holistic well-being, we find a treasure trove of elixirs that guide us toward restful sleep. Each blend is a testament to the harmony between nature and the human body, offering a tapestry of flavours that not only soothe the senses but also nurture our journey into sleep. Join us as we journey through Ayurvedic elixirs, each sip a step toward tranquillity.

1. Warm Turmeric Milk (Haldi Doodh) – A Symphony of Comfort

Ayurvedic Elixirs- Nurturing Sleep Through Ancient Wisdom

Preparation- In a saucepan, blend a cup of milk with half a teaspoon of turmeric powder. Gently warm the mixture, stirring continuously. Add a touch of honey to enhance the sweetness.

In Ayurveda- Known as “Haldi Doodh,” this elixir’s primary ingredient, turmeric (or “Haridra”), holds revered anti-inflammatory properties. It’s believed to soothe the body and mind, setting the stage for a night of serene sleep.

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2. Ashwagandha Tea- Easing the Path to Sleep

Ayurvedic Elixirs- Nurturing Sleep Through Ancient Wisdom
Ashwagandha roots and its powder also known as Indian ginseng, isolated on white essential beneficial for hair loss with its organic tea made from its powder.

Preparation- Steep a teaspoon of ashwagandha root powder in hot water for about 5-10 minutes. Strain and enjoy.

In Ayurveda- Ashwagandha, also known as “Indian Ginseng” or “Withania Somnifera,” is renowned for its adaptogenic qualities. As “Balakara” (promoting strength) and “Medhya” (enhancing cognitive function), ashwagandha supports stress reduction and helps in easing anxiety, offering a smoother path to sleep.

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3. Chamomile Tea- A Soothing Prelude to sleep

Ayurvedic Elixirs- Nurturing Sleep Through Ancient Wisdom

Preparation- Infuse dried chamomile flowers in hot water for 5 minutes. Strain and sip.

In Ayurveda- Chamomile, known as “Babuna” or “Babunah,” is celebrated for its calming effects. As a “Shramahara” (relieving fatigue) and “Tranquilliser,” chamomile tea gently ushers the mind and body into a state of tranquillity, primed for restful sleep.

4. Saffron Milk (Kesar Doodh)- Gilded with Serenity

Ayurvedic Elixirs- Nurturing Sleep Through Ancient Wisdom

Preparation- Add a few strands of saffron to a cup of warm milk. Allow it to infuse and enhance the colour and flavour.

In Ayurveda- Saffron, or “Kumkuma,” is regarded as a mood enhancer and relaxant. As “Varnya” (enhancing complexion) and “Balya” (strengthening), saffron milk creates a calming atmosphere, fostering an environment that prepares you for a night of peaceful sleep.

5. Brahmi Tea- Nourishing Mind and Soul

Ayurvedic Elixirs- Nurturing Sleep Through Ancient Wisdom

Preparation- Steep Brahmi leaves or powder in hot water for 5 minutes. Strain and enjoy the infusion.

In Ayurveda- Known as “Brahmi,” this herb is renowned as a “Medhya Rasayana” (nervine tonic) that supports cognitive function. As a “Sattvavardhaka” (enhancing clarity of mind), Brahmi tea nurtures relaxation, paving the way for improved sleep quality.

6. Cardamom Tea- A Fragrant Oasis of Calm

Ayurvedic Elixirs- Nurturing Sleep Through Ancient Wisdom

Preparation- Crush a few cardamom pods and steep them in hot water for a few minutes. Strain before drinking.

In Ayurveda- Cardamom, or “Ela,” is cherished for its aromatic properties. As a “Tridoshahara” (balancing all three doshas), cardamom tea’s delicate aroma creates an ambiance of serenity, allowing your senses to unwind.

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7. Warm Milk with Spices- Embracing Comfort and Calmness

Ayurvedic Sleep Elixir- 14 Foods and Drinks for Restful Nights

Preparation- Gently warm a cup of milk with a pinch of nutmeg and a few saffron strands. Strain before drinking.

In Ayurveda- Nutmeg, or “Jatiphala,” is known as a “Medhya” (brain tonic) that calms the mind. Saffron, as mentioned before, adds its tranquil touch. Combined with warm milk, this elixir provides a comforting embrace, inviting you to relax.

Taoist Tranquillity- Unveiling the Harmony of Homemade Sleep Elixirs

Journeying into the realm of Taoism, an ancient philosophy rooted in the rhythms of nature, we discover a collection of elixirs that resonate with the balance and serenity this tradition seeks to cultivate. These elixirs, drawn from the wisdom of Taoist principles, offer a gateway to peaceful sleep—a blend of flavours that gently guides the mind and body into a state of restfulness. Join us as we traverse the path of Taoist tranquillity, each sip a step toward harmonious sleep.

1. Jujube Tea (Da Zao Cha)- Calming the Mind, Regulating Sleep

Taoist Tranquillity- Unveiling the Harmony of Homemade Sleep Elixirs

Preparation- Simmer dried jujube dates (“Da Zao”) in hot water for 15-20 minutes, allowing the essence to infuse. Strain before sipping.

Taoist Essence- Known as “Da Zao Cha,” this tea embodies the principles of Yin and Yang, cultivating a harmonious balance within the body. Jujube (“Da Zao”) essence is believed to pacify the heart and calm the mind, while its balancing qualities extend to sleep patterns, making this elixir a natural choice for peaceful nights.

2. Lily Bulb Tea (Bai He Cha)- Embracing Serenity

Preparation- Soak jujubes, dried lily bulbs and dried longanin hot water for 10 minutes. or 15 minutes. Bring the pot to a boil, and let it simmer for 10 minutes. Add goji berries and rosebuds into the pot, continue to simmer for another 10 minutes. Serve hot with or without the herbs

Taoist Essence- Known as “Bai He Cha,” this tea encapsulates the essence of peace. Lily bulbs (“Bai He”) are considered a tonic for the heart, promoting emotional well-being. This elixir seeks to settle restlessness and nurture a tranquil state of mind, creating a serene environment conducive to restful sleep.

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3. Chrysanthemum Tea (Ju Hua Cha)- A Cool and Calming Brew

Taoist Tranquillity- Unveiling the Harmony of Homemade Sleep Elixirs

Preparation- Infuse dried chrysanthemum flowers (“Ju Hua”) in hot water for 5-10 minutes. Strain and sip.

Taoist Essence- Named “Ju Hua Cha,” this brew reflects the Taoist principle of balance between opposites. Chrysanthemum (“Ju Hua”) is believed to cool the body and cleanse the senses. Its gentle qualities extend to calming the mind, making this tea an exquisite prelude to a tranquil night’s sleep.

4. Luo Han Guo Tea- Inviting the Coolness of Serenity

Taoist Tranquillity- Unveiling the Harmony of Homemade Sleep Elixirs

Preparation- Steep dried Luo Han Guo fruit in hot water for 10-15 minutes. Strain and indulge in its tranquil essence.

Taoist Essence- Referred to as “Luo Han Guo Cha,” this tea is named after the monk fruit, symbolising the monk’s wisdom. This elixir is believed to possess a cooling nature that soothes both body and mind, inviting a sense of cool tranquillity that paves the way for restful sleep.

Also Check – Ayurvedic Sleep Elixir- 14 Foods and Drinks for Restful Nights

5. Reishi Mushroom Tea- Cultivating Inner Peace

Taoist Tranquillity- Unveiling the Harmony of Homemade Sleep Elixirs

Preparation- Simmer dried Reishi mushrooms (“Lingzhi”) in hot water for 30-40 minutes. Strain before sipping.

Taoist Essence- Known as “Lingzhi Cha,” this tea celebrates the revered Reishi mushroom. In Taoist tradition, Reishi (“Lingzhi”) is considered a symbol of longevity and spiritual awakening. Its adaptogenic properties are believed to alleviate stress and enhance the body’s natural ability to find balance, ultimately supporting the quest for serene sleep.

Korean Serenity- Discovering Tranquillity Through Time-Honoured Elixirs

In the heart of Korean tradition lies a treasure trove of elixirs that resonate with the rhythm of life, gently guiding us toward a serene sleep. These elixirs, derived from the wisdom of Korean heritage, offer a symphony of flavours and benefits that soothe the soul and prepare the body for rest. Join us on a journey of Korean serenity, as we explore these cherished elixirs—one sip at a time.

1. Ginger Cinnamon Tea (Saenggang Gyepi Cha)- A Warm Embrace of Comfort

Korean Serenity- Discovering Tranquillity Through Time-Honoured Elixirs

Preparation- Simmer slices of ginger (“Saenggang”) and a cinnamon stick in water for 15-20 minutes. Strain the liquid before enjoying.

Korean Essence- Known as “Saenggang Gyepi Cha,” this tea is a harmonious blend of warming ginger and comforting cinnamon. “Saenggang” carries a touch of “Yang” energy, fostering warmth and comfort within the body. This infusion provides a gentle embrace that prepares you for a peaceful night’s rest.

2. Jujube Tea (Daechu Cha)- Calming the Mind, Inviting Sleepiness

Preparation- Simmer dried jujube dates (“Daechu”) in hot water for 15-20 minutes. Strain before sipping.

Korean Essence- Referred to as “Daechu Cha,” this tea’s essence echoes its Chinese counterpart, offering a similar calming effect on the nerves. Jujube (“Daechu”) holds significance as a natural source of iron, known to support relaxation and aid in inducing sleepiness—a perfect choice for winding down before bedtime.

3. Mugwort Tea (Ssuk Cha)- Unveiling Calmness Through Mugwort

Korean Serenity- Discovering Tranquillity Through Time-Honoured Elixirs

Preparation- Infuse dried mugwort leaves (“Ssuk”) in hot water for 5-10 minutes. Strain the infusion before drinking.

Korean Essence- Known as “Ssuk Cha,” this tea derives from mugwort leaves (“Ssuk”), revered for their soothing properties. Mugwort’s essence, often associated with its feminine energy, offers relaxation and tranquillity. As you savour its flavour, you’re inviting a sense of calm that gently ushers you into a state of relaxation, setting the stage for restful sleep.

4. Balloon Flower Root Tea (Doraji Cha)- Alleviating Stress, Nurturing Sleep

Korean Serenity- Discovering Tranquillity Through Time-Honoured Elixirs

Preparation- Steep dried balloon flower root (“Doraji”) in hot water for 15-20 minutes. Strain before indulging.

Korean Essence- Known as “Doraji Cha,” this tea carries the essence of the balloon flower root (“Doraji”), celebrated for its stress-relieving properties. Its presence within this elixir supports the pursuit of restful sleep by alleviating tension and inviting relaxation, making it an ideal companion on your journey to serenity.

5. Sikhye- A Symphony of Sweetness and Digestive Comfort

Korean Serenity- Discovering Tranquillity Through Time-Honoured Elixirs

Preparation- Prepare a mixture of cooked rice, water, sugar, and malt barley powder. Allow it to ferment for a few hours before serving chilled.

Korean Essence- Named “Sikhye,” this sweet fermented rice beverage is renowned for its soothing and digestive benefits. Its presence extends beyond sleep preparation, offering a touch of sweetness that harmonises with the body’s rhythms. As a gentle tonic, “Sikhye” encapsulates the notion of inner balance—a key to embracing a peaceful night’s sleep.

European Relaxation- Unveiling Restful Nights Through Time-Honoured Elixirs

Embarking on a journey through European tradition, we delve into a world of elixirs that have stood the test of time, each offering a fragrant invitation to embrace the calm before sleep. Rooted in the wisdom of the old continent, these elixirs extend an embrace of relaxation, allowing you to prepare your body and mind for a night of restful sleep. Let’s explore the soothing symphony of European relaxation, a tapestry of flavors that gently ushers you into the realm of dreams.

1. Valerian Root Tea- A European Remedy for Relaxation and Sleep

9 Powerful Herbs to Help You Sleep Naturally

Preparation- Steep dried Valerian root in hot water for 10-15 minutes. Strain before sipping.

European Essence- Valerian Root Tea, a popular choice for insomniacs, encapsulates the essence of relaxation. Known as the “all-heal” herb, Valerian root holds a history of being used to soothe anxiety and induce restfulness. Its calming influence on the central nervous system makes it an excellent companion for those seeking a tranquil transition into the realm of dreams.

2. Lavender Tea- Unwinding with Lavender’s Fragrance

European Relaxation- Unveiling Restful Nights Through Time-Honoured Elixirs

Preparation- Steep dried lavender flowers in hot water for 5-10 minutes. Strain and sip.

European Essence- Lavender Tea, known for its delightful fragrance, unfurls a soothing journey into relaxation. Lavender’s aroma is believed to alleviate stress and anxiety, gently easing the body and mind into a state of calm. As you savour this aromatic brew, you’re inviting the very essence of relaxation to prepare you for a night of serene sleep.

3. Lemon Balm Tea- Cultivating Calm Nerves and Encouraging Relaxation

Taoist Tranquillity- Unveiling the Harmony of Homemade Sleep Elixirs

Preparation- Infuse dried lemon balm leaves in hot water for 5-7 minutes. Strain and indulge.

European Essence- Lemon Balm Tea, crafted from the gentle lemon-scented herb, embodies relaxation. Known as the “gladdening herb,” lemon balm is revered for its calming effects on the nerves. As you sip on this cup of tranquillity, you’re embracing a centuries-old tradition of soothing the senses and encouraging a peaceful state of being.

4. Passionflower Tea- Embracing the Sedative Qualities of Passionflower

9 Powerful Herbs to Help You Sleep Naturally

Preparation- Steep dried passionflower leaves and flowers in hot water for 10-15 minutes. Strain before sipping.

European Essence- Passionflower Tea, a potential remedy for insomnia, draws from the calming essence of the passionflower. Its sedative properties are believed to help regulate sleep patterns and induce relaxation. By indulging in this brew, you’re inviting the qualities of tranquillity to prepare you for a night of restorative sleep.

Japanese Matcha Tea –  A Tranquil Elixir for Sleep

Japanese Matcha Tea -  A Tranquil Elixir for Sleep

Preparation-  Whisk a teaspoon of matcha powder in hot water until frothy. Enjoy the calming blend.

Benefits – Matcha, steeped in Japanese tradition, offers an enchanting journey. L-theanine, its soothing element, unwinds stress and promotes relaxation. This amino acid enhances focus, potentially leading to improved sleep. Sip into serenity, embrace tranquillity, and prepare for peaceful sleep with matcha tea.

Southeast Asian Tranquillity- Embracing Restful Nights Through Aromatic Elixirs

In the heart of Southeast Asia’s rich cultural tapestry lies a collection of elixirs that carry the whispers of ancient traditions. These elixirs, rooted in the aromatic treasures of the region, offer a fragrant path to tranquillity—a journey that gently guides you to a night of peaceful sleep. Let’s delve into the scents and flavours that embody Southeast Asian tranquillity, as we explore these cherished elixirs, each designed to help you prepare for a restful night’s sleep.

1. Pandan Leaf Tea- Calming Whispers of Fragrant Pandan

Southeast Asian Tranquillity- Embracing Restful Nights Through Aromatic Elixirs

Preparation- Boil fresh or dried pandan leaves in water for 10-15 minutes. Strain and enjoy.

Southeast Asian Essence- Known as “Pandan Leaf Tea,” this elixir captures the essence of pandan’s calming aroma. Pandan leaves, celebrated for their fragrance, are believed to have stress-reducing properties. As you sip this brew, you’re inviting the tranquil whispers of pandan to envelop your senses, easing stress and promoting a sense of tranquillity before sleep.

2. Lemongrass Ginger Tea- A Fragrant Blend for Soothing Relaxation

Southeast Asian Tranquillity- Embracing Restful Nights Through Aromatic Elixirs

Preparation- Simmer fresh lemongrass and ginger slices in water for 15-20 minutes. Strain and savour.

Southeast Asian Essence- Crafted from the aromatic duo of lemongrass and ginger, this elixir offers a fragrant blend of relaxation. Traditionally known as “Lemongrass Ginger Tea,” its essence soothes the senses, creating an ideal prelude to bedtime. Lemongrass and ginger’s warm embrace invites you to release the day’s tensions, allowing you to drift into serenity.

3. Kaffir Lime Leaf Tea- Refreshing Scent, Calming Elixir

Southeast Asian Tranquillity- Embracing Restful Nights Through Aromatic Elixirs

Preparation- Steep fresh or dried kaffir lime leaves in hot water for 5-7 minutes. Strain and enjoy.

Southeast Asian Essence- Named “Kaffir Lime Leaf Tea,” this elixir captures the refreshing scent of kaffir lime leaves. Known for their invigorating fragrance, these leaves lend themselves to crafting a calming tea. As you indulge in this aromatic blend, you’re embracing a tradition that harnesses the essence of the kaffir lime leaf—a scent that gently guides you towards a state of calm.

American Comfort- Embracing Tranquillity Through Restful Elixirs

Within the vast landscape of American wellness, we uncover a collection of elixirs that extend an invitation to unwind, relax, and prepare for restful sleep. These cherished elixirs, rooted in tradition and nature, offer a pathway to tranquillity—a journey that gently ushers you into the embrace of a peaceful night’s sleep. Let’s delve into the details of American comfort, exploring the soothing attributes of each elixir that beckons you to experience the gift of serene repose.

1. Cherry Juice- Nature’s Melatonin Elixir for Sleep

American Comfort- Embracing Tranquillity Through Restful Elixirs

Preparation- Extract fresh cherry juice or use unsweetened cherry juice. Consume a small glass before bedtime.

American Essence- Cherry Juice, a natural sleep aid, embodies the essence of cherries’ melatonin content. Cherries, a source of this sleep-regulating hormone, may help regulate sleep patterns, allowing you to find comfort in the rhythm of the night.

2. Peppermint Tea- Soothing Digestion for a Peaceful Night

American Comfort- Embracing Tranquillity Through Restful Elixirs

Preparation- Steep dried peppermint leaves in hot water for 5-7 minutes. Strain and enjoy.

American Essence- Peppermint Tea, a beloved remedy for digestion, offers an unexpected comfort—enhancing the potential for a comfortable sleep. As peppermint’s soothing properties ease your digestive system, your body finds solace, paving the way for peaceful rest.

3. Oat Straw Tea- Nourishing the Nervous System for Relaxation

American Comfort- Embracing Tranquillity Through Restful Elixirs

Preparation- Steep dried oat straw in hot water for 10-15 minutes. Strain and savour.

American Essence- Oat Straw Tea, an embodiment of American folk wisdom, gently nurtures the nervous system. Traditionally used to soothe frayed nerves, this elixir prepares your body and mind for relaxation before bedtime.

4. Hops Tea- Unveiling the Sleep-Inducing Qualities of Hops

American Comfort- Embracing Tranquillity Through Restful Elixirs

Preparation- Steep dried hops flowers in hot water for 10-15 minutes. Strain and sip.

American Essence- Hops Tea, widely known for its role in brewing beer, unveils an unexpected secret—its potential to promote sleep. This cherished ingredient, called upon for its flavour, offers a subtle invitation to tranquillity, helping you ease into the night.

As day fades into night and the world around you quiets, remember the calming elixirs that cultures have cherished for generations. From the warmth of Ayurvedic spices to the serenity of Taoist blends, the comfort of European remedies, the fragrance of Southeast Asian treasures and the familiarity of American brews, each sip promises a restful sleep.

With each cup, you not only savour the taste of these homemade brews, but also immerse yourself in an ancient wisdom that has withstood the test of time. Whether it is the gentle aroma of lavender, the delicate blend of herbs or the sweet kiss of cherry juice, may these elixirs carry you into the embrace of a peaceful night’s sleep. On this journey of holistic well-being, remember that the key to a restful sleep lies in the ancient wisdom of homemade drinks that soothe not only the body but also the soul. Sweet dreams await you.






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